(781) 899-3675, Ext 1

Get more qualified leads with EverConnect

EverConnect isn't like other lead generation platforms. Our platform is designed to scale with your needs - even as they shift and change. We work with businesses of all sizes, targeting leads that align with your growth strategy. You get the qualified leads you want, the way you want them.

Special Offers to Restoration 1 franchisees:

We will match your first month's spend up to $1,000! Get an additional $1,000 when you sign up for our Accelerate or Launch Packages.

Fill out the form and take advantage of this exclusive offer! A sales representative will follow up quickly to set up your campaign.

Review offer details here.

Get Your Offer

Targeted Leads,
Delivered Right Away

EverConnect Live gives businesses access to high-qualified phone leads at a fixed price and a web portal enabling them to start and pause calls as needed.

Your Brand,
Front & Center

EverConnect Direct leverages a service provider’s brand to generate pre-qualified exclusive leads on a web-based platform that integrates with your CRM.

Strategic Lead Gen,
Tailored To You

EverConnect Marketplace empowers large businesses and aggregators to deliver a variety of lead types at scale, monitor performance, and integrate with partners.

What you get

Save big when you pair
EverConnect and Lansing

Lansing customers receive 20% off first month's lead services and a 5% discount on all lead services after your first month.

Receive 20% off the annual participation fee for Best Pick Reports & Five Star Rated! 

How We Integrate

Save big when you pair
EverConnect and Hatch

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Why It Matters

Targeted Leads, Delivered Right Away

EverConnect Live gives businesses access to highly-qualified phone call leads at a fixed price. It includes an intuitive dashboard, allowing you to specify the type of lead and geographic area you’d like to target. You can also start, pause and schedule lead flow as needed.

Get phone calls fast with a quick and efficient setup that takes mere days, not weeks. You will be able to specifiy and easily update the geographic region for your leads. EverConnect Live makes budgeting easy with consistent, fixed pricing.

Our exclusive lead generation system takes the hassle out of marketing, letting you focus on completing the jobs that make you money.

Watch what Von Reagan from Restoration 1 of the Low Country has to say about EverConnect:

“With EverConnect there’s a return on investment, and that’s what we’re looking for. Keeping our employees busy so they can feed their families, that’s what we’re looking for. And we’re able to get that from EverConnect.”
— Von Reagan, Restoration 1 of the Low Country

Win with Everconnect


Forget about leads outside your skillset or service area. You can specify what service type and zip codes you want to target.


You’ll receive calls on your schedule. You can start, pause and reschedule the flow of calls to fit your needs. You’ll have leads when you need them.


Always know what you're getting and what it costs with transparent pricing, clear communication, and no-hassle billing.